Why Is My Carpet Cleaner Blowing a Fuse? Everything You Need to Know!

Why is my carpet cleaning blowing a fuse?

The reason your carpet cleaner is blowing a fuse is because of damaged internal wires. Using the wrong fuse or having a faulty electrical outlet that is not properly grounded can also cause your carpet cleaner to blow a fuse.


carpet cleaner blowing fuse


Damage internal wires

Damaged wires can cause a carpet cleaner to blow a fuse. For example, if the wires have been kinked, bent, or dented, this could damage the internal wiring. This may be due to the pressure exerted on the machine while using it. As a result, overloaded wires might lead to a circuit board failure and blowing fuses. The best way to avoid this is by taking good care of your carpet cleaner and regularly performing preventative maintenance.


Using the wrong fuse

If your carpet cleaner keeps blowing a fuse, it could mean that the wrong type of fuse was installed. For example, if the fuse is rated to handle around 220 volts, and your machine pulls more than 220 volts, a fuse might blow. To fix this problem, make sure that you use a fuse that is rated for the voltage of your machine.


Faulty or outdated electrical outlets

The circuit your cleaner is plugged into may have a problem with the outlet itself. For example, the outlet could be worn out, or it might have a loose connection. To check if this is the case, turn off the breaker to the circuit and then try plugging your cleaner into another outlet in your home – preferably one known to be working properly.

If your cleaner still blows a fuse when you plug it into another outlet, you might want to contact an electrician to check out the problem.


How to fix a carpet cleaner that keeps blowing a fuse?

To fix a carpet cleaner that keeps blowing a fuse, you need to turn off and unplug the cleaner and then check the wires to determine if any are damaged. If they are, you will have to replace them. Once this is done, your carpet cleaner should stop blowing a fuse.

However, if your problem is not solved even after repairing the wire, it’s time to replace the fuse with another one and have the carpet cleaner serviced as well.


First, turn off the breaker to the circuit where your electric cleaner is plugged in.

When you have a problem with an electrical appliance, always turn off the breaker or flip the switch to the circuit plugged into. If you don’t turn off the breaker and try to fix the plug or cord, there is a possibility of electrical shock. Therefore, always use caution when handling electricity. Here are steps to follow:

  1. Locate the breaker or flip the switch to the circuit.
  2. Turn off the breaker you are using.
  3. Unplug the cleaner as well as other electrical appliances in your home, such as television sets, if possible.


Inspect the cord and plug to find the problem

Cords and plugs are prone to damage over time, such as fraying and cracks. Inspect the cord and plug carefully to find any sign of damage. Here is how:

  1. Check the plug and cord for frays or cracks.
  2. Check the plug head, which can be located at the end of the cord, to see if it is stripped or damaged as well.
  3. Make sure your cleaner is completely unplugged, then check if there are any signs of overheating and melting wire insulation on the wires inside the cleaner. If your cleaner has overheated, turn off the breaker to avoid a fire hazard.
  4. Check and inspect wires for any damage, such as kinking, denting, or ripping out of its terminals due to overuse or rough handling.
  5. If the wires inside the cleaner have been damaged, you need to replace them. I recommend hiring a professional electrician to do this job.


Replace the fuse

There is a possibility that the fuse on your plug is blown or shorted out. If this happens, the current will flow through the cord into the plug, blowing fuses in the process. To fix this problem, all that you have to do is replace a blown fuse with a new one. To replace the fuse, you have to  follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the breaker or flip the switch to the circuit to avoid any electrical shock.
  2. Open your fuse box to identify the blown fuse.
  3. Buy a new fuse that is the same size and type as the blown fuse. Make sure the amp rating of the new fuse is the right amp rating for the circuit as well. You can check the amp rating by looking at the label on the fuse box.
  4. Unscrew the old fuse and attach the new one in its place.
  5. After fixing the fuse, flip the breaker or switch it back on to test your work. Turn on the cleaner and see if it works now.


Have the carpet cleaner serviced

After replacing the fuse, cord, and plugs, you still have to have the carpet cleaner serviced. There could be other internal issues that cause your carpet cleaner to blow a fuse. For example, the fan may not be working properly, or the motor may be damaged.

To fix these problems, bring it to a professional or directly contact the manufacturer of your carpet cleaner so that they can pinpoint exactly what needs to be fixed or replaced.


Why does my carpet cleaner keep tripping the breaker?

Your carpet cleaner keeps tripping the beaker because of the extension cord not being able to handle the amount of power that the cleaner needs to get through, a faulty breaker, or even  loose wiring connections that are causing the breaker to trip.


The extension cord not being able to handle the amount of power.

Your Carpet cleaners can trip the if the extension cord you are using can not handle the amount of power to the machine. For example, if you use a 20-amp tool and the cord only handles up to 15 amps, it will trip the breaker. The same is true of any tool that is plugged into it. So check your extension cords before plugging them in.


Faulty breaker

There is a possibility your breaker could be faulty, whether it is due to an improper installation or simply old age. A faulty breaker is not very common, but it can happen. To determine if the breaker, check for signs like black soot, burned spots, or the smell of burnt circuits.

If you find any of these, you will need to get a new breaker. Consult with a licensed electrician to have the breaker replaced.


Loose  wiring connections

If you have checked your extension cord and the breaker and still experience the same problem, there may be an issue with your wiring. If the cables were not properly connected during installation, these issues could arise.

To determine if loose connections are the source of your problems, you will need to check all of your cords and wires and see if they are fully connected.


How to fix a carpet cleaner that keeps tripping the breaker?

You can fix a carpet cleaner that keeps tripping the breaker by replacing the extension cord, replacing the breakers, and checking that your outlet is not overloaded or damaged. You can also have the breaker inspected to determine if there is a problem.


 Using the right extension cord

Extension cords are a major contributor to electrical problems. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are using the right extension cord for your cleaning machine. If the appliance you are using requires more amps than a particular extension cord can handle, it will cause a tripped breaker or, worse, a possible fire hazard.

Make sure that when you purchase an extension cord, it is the right amps for the size of your cleaner. You can consult with a professional electrician to verify the amount of amps required for your carpet cleaner.


Check the outlet that would not work

If you find that your machine is still tripping the breaker after replacing the extension cord, then you will need to check the outlet it has been plugged into. Is it loose, or is there a problem with the wires? If the outlet is loose, you can have an electrician fix it.

If there is a problem with the wires, you need to call an electrician to repair the outlet. Common signs your outlet may be damaged are blown fuses or wires that are exposed.


Have the breaker box inspected

This is a good idea if you have had no problems with the breaker, but it keeps tripping when you plug in your cleaner. There could be an issue with your electric wiring, and this should be checked professionally by a licensed electrician.


Why is my carpet cleaner tripping the GFCI?

Your carpet cleaner is tripping the GFCI is due to a circuit overload caused by the amperage of the cleaner or a damaged terminal. GFC (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protects from shock when a fuse blows or shorts by shutting off power to the circuit.

To correct this problem, you should try using a higher amperage circuit, installing a larger fuse, or replacing the GFCI with one that can handle the amperage of your carpet cleaner.


Why is my carpet cleaner tripping RCD?

Your carpet cleaner is tripping RCD because it is faulty, or there is a circuit overload that is causing it to trip. An RCD (Residual Current Device) is used in residential homes. This is a plug that will stop the electricity flow between the power supply and your meter if an issue occurs with both devices.

To solve this issue, you will need to do two things. First, find out if your cleaner is faulty or if the circuit overload is causing the issue; it’s best to call an electrician to check your electrical system and appliance.


Why is my Bissell carpet cleaner blowing a fuse?

Your Bissell carpet cleaner is blowing a fuse due to faulty wiring, a defective part, or it may be damage from excessive use. To determine if a faulty part is an issue, look for signs of overheating.

There should be no smells, smoke, or smoke coming from the machine. Check to see if there are any loose parts or wires, as these may cause overheating. If you find that they are loose or damaged, you will need to have them repaired and replaced by a professional electrician.


Why is my Rug Doctor tripping the power supply?

Your Rug Doctor is tripping the power supply due to a damaged cord, faulty parts in the machine, or loose connections that are causing an interruption of the power supply to your Rug Doctor.

If connections are loose, turn the machine off and check for any loose connections, then tighten them. For the machine’s faulty parts, it may be necessary to replace them. Taking your Rug Doctor to a technician for help is the best option.