Is a Reel Mower Better for Grass? Everything You Should Know

Reel mowers can be better for grass, providing a cleaner, more precise cut that promotes lawn health. They’re ideal for small to medium-sized lawns with even terrain and manageable grass height. However, they have limitations, such as difficulty cutting tall or thick grass and a limited cutting height range.


reel lawnmower


The Benefits of Reel Mowers for Lawn Care

Reel mowers offer several advantages that contribute to healthier lawns and a more enjoyable mowing experience. Some key benefits include:

Healthier Grass

Reel mowers’ scissor-like cutting action results in a clean cut that promotes healthy grass growth and reduces the risk of disease.

Quiet Operation

Reel mowers produce minimal noise, making them a more enjoyable option for both the user and neighbors.

Low Maintenance

With fewer moving parts and no engine, reel mowers require less maintenance compared to gas or electric mowers.


Pushing a reel mower provides a good workout, burning calories and increasing cardiovascular fitness.


Table: Benefits of Reel Mowers

Benefit Description
Healthier grass Clean, scissor-like cutting action promotes grass health and reduces disease risk
Quiet operation Minimal noise production is more enjoyable for users and neighbors
Low maintenance Fewer moving parts and no engine lead to lower maintenance requirements
Exercise Pushing a reel mower provides a good workout, burning calories and increasing cardiovascular fitness

Reel mowers offer several benefits, including healthier grass, quiet operation, low maintenance, and exercise for the user.

How Reel Mowers Work and Their Unique Cutting Action

Reel mowers operate with a unique cutting action that’s distinct from rotary mowers. Here’s how they work:

Reel and Bedknife

A reel mower consists of a cylindrical reel with several blades that rotate as the mower is pushed. These blades work in conjunction with a stationary bedknife, creating a scissor-like cutting action.

Cutting Height Adjustment

The cutting height of a reel mower is typically adjustable, allowing you to select the desired grass length for your lawn.


Reel mowers are manually powered, relying on the user’s push force to rotate the reel and cut the grass. This design eliminates the need for a gas or electric engine.

“Reel mowers work with a unique scissor-like cutting action, using a rotating reel with blades and a stationary bedknife. They are manually powered and offer adjustable cutting heights.”


Comparing Reel Mowers to Rotary Mowers

Both reel and rotary mowers have their advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a comparison to help you understand the differences:

Cutting Action

Reel mowers use a scissor-like cutting action, resulting in cleaner cuts that promote healthier grass. Rotary mowers, on the other hand, use a spinning blade that can tear grass, leading to potential damage and disease.


Noise and Emissions

Reel mowers are quiet and produce no emissions, making them more eco-friendly and neighbor-friendly. Gas-powered rotary mowers generate noise and emissions, while electric rotary mowers are quieter but still produce some noise.


Reel mowers require less maintenance, as they have fewer moving parts and no engine. Rotary mowers, especially gas-powered ones, need more maintenance, including oil changes, spark plug replacements, and blade sharpening.


Terrain and Grass Types

Rotary mowers are more versatile, handling uneven terrain and taller grass better than reel mowers. Reel mowers perform best on flat, well-maintained lawns with shorter grass.

Table: Reel Mowers vs. Rotary Mowers

Aspect Reel Mowers Rotary Mowers
Cutting action Scissor-like, clean cuts Spinning blade, can tear grass
Noise & emissions Quiet, no emissions Gas: loud, emissions; Electric: quieter
Maintenance Low, fewer moving parts, no engine Higher, especially for gas-powered models
Terrain & grass Best for flat lawns, short grass Better for uneven terrain, taller grass

Reel mowers and rotary mowers differ in their cutting action, noise and emissions, maintenance requirements, and suitability for different terrains and grass types.


Ideal Lawn Conditions and Types for Reel Mowers

Reel mowers are best suited for specific lawn conditions and grass types:

Flat Terrain

Reel mowers perform best on flat, even surfaces. Uneven terrain can lead to uneven cutting and difficulty pushing the mower.

Shorter Grass

Reel mowers are most effective when used on grass that’s not too tall. Ideally, grass should be no more than 3 inches in height for optimal performance.

Cool-Season Grasses

Reel mowers are especially suited for cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue, which have a finer texture and benefit from the clean cut provided by a reel mower.


Maintaining and Sharpening Reel Mower Blades

Proper maintenance of your reel mower blades will ensure a clean cut and extend the life of your mower. Here’s how to maintain and sharpen reel mower blades:


After each use, clean grass clippings and debris from the blades with a brush or cloth. Avoid using water, as it may cause rust.


Regularly lubricate the moving parts of the mower, such as the cutting reel, gears, and wheels. Use a light oil or reel mower lubricant as recommended by the manufacturer.


Blade Adjustment

Check the blade alignment periodically and adjust if necessary. A properly adjusted reel mower should have a slight contact between the reel and the bed knife, allowing for a clean cut.


Reel mower blades need to be sharpened every one to three years, depending on usage. You can either sharpen the blades yourself or have them professionally sharpened. DIY sharpening methods include using a backlapping kit or a file, while professional sharpening services can ensure precise results.


Table: Reel Mower Blade Maintenance

Task Frequency Tips
Cleaning After each use Use a brush or cloth; avoid water to prevent rust
Lubrication Regularly Use light oil or reel mower lubricant
Adjustment Periodically Ensure slight contact between reel and bed knife
Sharpening Every 1-3 years DIY methods or professional sharpening services

Maintaining your reel mower blades involves regular cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, and sharpening to ensure optimal performance and a healthy lawn.


Tips for Using a Reel Mower Effectively and Safely

To get the best results and ensure safety when using a reel mower, follow these tips:

  1. Mow regularly: Keep your grass height in the ideal range for reel mowers (about 2 to 3 inches) by mowing regularly.
  2. Mow when the grass is dry: Wet grass can clump and be difficult to cut with a reel mower, so mow when the grass is dry for the best results.
  3. Change mowing direction: Alternate mowing directions each time you mow to promote even grass growth and prevent rut formation.
  4. Mow at a brisk pace: A faster walking speed will ensure the blades spin quickly, providing a cleaner cut.
  5. Overlap rows: Overlap each row slightly to ensure full coverage and avoid uncut strips of grass.
  6. Safety precautions: Wear closed-toe shoes and avoid mowing over rocks, sticks, or other debris that could be thrown by the mower.


Environmentally Friendly Advantages of Reel Mowers

Reel mowers offer several environmentally friendly benefits compared to gas-powered rotary mowers. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Zero emissions: Reel mowers don’t produce any harmful emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier environment.
  2. Reduced noise pollution: Reel mowers are significantly quieter than gas-powered mowers, minimizing noise disturbances for you and your neighbors.
  3. Less energy consumption: Since reel mowers don’t require gasoline or electricity, they consume less energy, reducing your carbon footprint.
  4. Low maintenance: Reel mowers have fewer parts that can break down, reducing the need for replacement parts and minimizing waste.
  5. No hazardous waste: There’s no need to dispose of oil, filters, or other hazardous materials, as there are with gas-powered mowers.


Table: Environmental Benefits of Reel Mowers

Benefit Explanation
Zero emissions No harmful emissions, contributing to cleaner air
Reduced noise pollution Quieter operation, minimizing disturbances
Less energy consumption No gasoline or electricity needed, reducing carbon footprint
Low maintenance Fewer parts to break down, minimizing waste
No hazardous waste No need for oil, filters, or other hazardous materials

Reel mowers offer significant environmental advantages, including zero emissions, reduced noise pollution, less energy consumption, low maintenance, and no hazardous waste disposal concerns.


Selecting the Right Reel Mower for Your Lawn

Choosing the right reel mower depends on your lawn size, grass type, and personal preferences. Consider the following factors when selecting a reel mower:

  1. Cutting width: Wider cutting widths reduce the number of passes needed to mow your lawn, but they can be heavier and more challenging to maneuver. Choose a cutting width that suits your lawn size and your physical abilities.
  2. Number of blades: More blades can provide a finer cut, but may require more effort to push. Choose a reel mower with a blade count that balances cutting quality and ease of use.
  3. Wheel size: Larger wheels offer better maneuverability and can handle uneven terrain more easily. Choose a reel mower with wheel size suitable for your lawn’s terrain.
  4. Adjustable cutting height: Look for a reel mower with an adjustable cutting height to accommodate different grass types and seasonal lawn care needs.
  5. Ergonomics and comfort: Consider handle design, grip material, and overall weight to ensure the mower is comfortable to use for extended periods.

“When selecting a reel mower, consider cutting width, number of blades, wheel size, adjustable cutting height, and ergonomics to find the best fit for your lawn and personal preferences.”


Common Challenges and Limitations of Reel Mowers

While reel mowers offer many benefits, they also have some challenges and limitations. Here are some common issues:

  1. Difficulty cutting tall or thick grass: Reel mowers struggle with tall or thick grass, which can get caught between the reel and the bedknife. Regular mowing and maintaining proper cutting height can help mitigate this issue.
  2. Limited cutting height range: Reel mowers typically have a limited cutting height range compared to rotary mowers, which can be a problem for certain grass types or when dealing with uneven terrain.
  3. Less effective on uneven ground: Reel mowers may not cut as effectively on uneven or bumpy ground, as the cutting mechanism relies on a consistent contact between the reel and the bedknife.
  4. Manual effort required: Pushing a reel mower can be physically demanding, especially in larger lawns or when cutting thicker grass. Consider your physical fitness and lawn size when choosing a reel mower.
  5. Inability to mulch or bag clippings: Most reel mowers don’t offer mulching or bagging capabilities. If these features are essential, you may need to look for specialized reel mowers or consider alternative lawn care equipment.


Table: Challenges and Limitations of Reel Mowers

Challenge Description
Difficulty cutting tall or thick grass Struggles with tall or thick grass; requires regular mowing and proper cutting height
Limited cutting height range Narrow cutting height range compared to rotary mowers, may not suit all grass types and terrain
Less effective on uneven ground May not cut effectively on bumpy ground due to consistent contact needed between reel and bedknife
Manual effort required Pushing a reel mower can be physically demanding, especially on larger lawns or thick grass
Inability to mulch or bag clippings Most reel mowers don’t offer mulching or bagging capabilities; specialized reel mowers or alternatives may be needed

While reel mowers offer many benefits, they also have limitations, such as difficulty cutting tall or thick grass, limited cutting height range, less effectiveness on uneven ground, manual effort required, and inability to mulch or bag clippings.


Balancing Reel Mower Performance with Lawn Care Needs

To determine if a reel mower is the best choice for your lawn care needs, consider the benefits and limitations discussed in this article. Reel mowers are ideal for maintaining small to medium-sized lawns with relatively even terrain and grass that’s not too tall or thick. They offer environmental advantages and can provide a cleaner, more precise cut than rotary mowers.

If you have a large lawn, uneven terrain, or grass types that require a wider range of cutting heights, a reel mower may not be the most practical choice. In these cases, consider a rotary mower or explore alternative lawn care solutions that can better accommodate your specific needs.


Key Takeaways

  • Reel mowers provide a cleaner, more precise cut compared to rotary mowers, which can benefit the health of your grass.
  • Reel mowers are environmentally friendly, quiet, and require less maintenance than gas-powered rotary mowers.
  • Ideal lawn conditions for reel mowers include small to medium-sized lawns with even terrain and grass that’s not too tall or thick.
  • Reel mowers have some limitations, such as difficulty cutting tall or thick grass, limited cutting height range, and the inability to mulch or bag clippings.
  • To determine if a reel mower is the best choice for your lawn care needs, evaluate the benefits and limitations in relation to your lawn size, terrain, and grass type.



Reel mowers can be a better choice for grass in certain situations, as they provide a healthier, more precise cut and are more environmentally friendly compared to rotary mowers. However, they may not be suitable for all lawn conditions or personal preferences. Assess your lawn care needs, and weigh the benefits and limitations of reel mowers to determine if they’re the best fit for your specific situation.