How to Make a Table Saw Fence (Step-by-Step)

To make a custom table saw fence, gather materials like plywood, hardwood, screws, and a guide rail system. Build the fence by cutting plywood for the fence’s face, attaching it to hardwood supports, and securing the guide rail system. Customize your fence with a micro-adjustment mechanism, a sacrificial fence, or T-slot for added functionality.


table saw fence

A table saw fence is an essential accessory that helps you make accurate and consistent cuts. Although you can buy a commercially made fence, creating a custom table saw fence is a cost-effective and satisfying DIY project. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of making a table saw fence step by step.


Gathering Materials and Tools

Before you begin, gather the necessary materials and tools for your project. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

  1. Plywood or MDF board (medium-density fiberboard)
  2. Hardwood (for the fence face)
  3. T-square or a long straightedge
  4. Wood glue
  5. Screws
  6. Clamps
  7. Drill and drill bits
  8. Circular saw or table saw
  9. Sandpaper
  10. Measuring tape
  11. Pencil
  12. Square


Designing the Fence

Step 1: Measure Your Table Saw

Measure the length and width of your table saw to determine the appropriate dimensions for your fence. The fence should be long enough to cover the entire length of the table saw, and its width should be suitable for your specific cutting needs.


Step 2: Plan Your Fence Design

Sketch out your fence design, including the fence face and the guide rail system. The fence should be designed to slide smoothly along the guide rail and be easily adjustable.


Building the Fence

Step 3: Cut the Fence Base

Cut the plywood or MDF board to the desired length and width of your fence base, using a circular saw or table saw. Ensure that the edges are straight and square.


Step 4: Cut the Fence Face

Cut the hardwood to the same length as the fence base and to the desired height of your fence. This piece will be attached to the fence base to provide a sturdy and straight fence face.


Step 5: Attach the Fence Face to the Base

Apply wood glue to the edge of the fence base and align the fence face with the edge. Clamp the pieces together and let the glue dry. Reinforce the connection with screws, making sure they are countersunk to avoid interfering with the movement of the fence.


Creating the Guide Rail System

Step 6: Measure and Cut the Guide Rail

Measure the length of your table saw and cut a suitable piece of hardwood or metal to serve as the guide rail.


Step 7: Attach the Guide Rail to the Table Saw

Position the guide rail on the table saw and secure it in place using screws or bolts. Make sure it is parallel to the saw blade and at the right distance from it to allow the fence to move smoothly.


Assembling and Fine-Tuning the Fence

Step 8: Attach the Fence to the Guide Rail System

Slide the fence onto the guide rail system and check for smooth movement and proper alignment with the saw blade. Adjust the fence as needed to ensure accuracy and ease of use.


Step 9: Sand and Finish the Fence

Sand the fence face and edges to remove any rough spots or splinters. Apply a finish or paint to protect the wood and enhance its appearance.


Step 10: Test Your Fence

Test your new table saw fence by making a few test cuts. Check for accuracy and consistency, and make any necessary adjustments to the fence or guide rail system.

Congratulations! You’ve now created a custom table saw fence that will improve the precision and consistency of your cuts.


Maintenance and Safety Tips

To keep your table saw fence in good working order and ensure safe operation, consider the following tips:

  1. Regularly inspect the fence for wear or damage. Repair or replace any damaged components as needed.
  2. Keep the fence and guide rail system clean and free of sawdust and debris. This will help maintain smooth movement and accurate cuts.
  3. Check the alignment of the fence and guide rail system regularly, and make adjustments as needed.
  4. Always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines when operating your table saw. Use appropriate safety gear, such as goggles, ear protection, and a dust mask.
  5. When adjusting the fence, make sure the saw is turned off and unplugged to avoid accidental contact with the blade.
  6. Keep your work area clean and organized, and ensure that the table saw is placed on a stable and level surface.


By following these maintenance and safety tips, you can extend the life of your custom table saw fence and work more efficiently and safely with your table saw.


In summary, creating a custom table saw fence is a great DIY project that can help you make accurate and consistent cuts with your table saw. By following the steps in this guide and maintaining your fence and table saw, you can enjoy the benefits of a custom table saw fence for years to come.


Customizing Your Table Saw Fence

While the guide provided above outlines the essential steps for building a table saw fence, you can customize it further to suit your specific woodworking needs. Here are some additional features you can incorporate into your table saw fence design:

Micro-Adjustment Mechanism

A micro-adjustment mechanism allows for precise fence positioning, making it easier to achieve accurate cuts. You can create a simple micro-adjustment mechanism by attaching a threaded rod to the back of your fence and using a knob or wingnut to make incremental adjustments.


Sacrificial Fence

A sacrificial fence is an additional fence piece that can be temporarily attached to your main fence, allowing you to cut dados or rabbets without damaging your primary fence. To create a sacrificial fence, you can use a straight piece of wood or plywood that is the same height as your main fence. Secure it to your primary fence using clamps, screws, or other fastening methods.


T-Slot and Accessories

Adding a T-slot to your table saw fence can provide a mounting point for various accessories, such as feather boards, hold-downs, and flip stops. You can incorporate a T-slot by cutting a groove along the length of your fence and installing a T-track. Once the T-slot is in place, you can slide various accessories into the track for added versatility and functionality.

Incorporating these additional features can significantly enhance your table saw fence’s performance, allowing you to achieve precise cuts and adapt to various woodworking tasks more easily. By customizing your fence, you can create a versatile and functional tool that meets your specific woodworking needs.