How to Change a Jigsaw Blade? (Step-by-Step Guide)

To change a jigsaw blade, first, disconnect the jigsaw from the power source. Then, locate the blade release mechanism and remove the old blade. Insert the new blade, align it with the blade holder, and secure it in place.


Key Takeaways

  • Changing a jigsaw blade is essential for maintaining cutting performance and safety.
  • There are two main types of jigsaw blades: T-shank and U-shank.
  • Always unplug or disconnect the jigsaw from the power source before changing the blade.
  • Choose the right blade for your project based on the material, cut type, and design intricacy.
  • Regularly maintain your jigsaw blades by storing, cleaning, and inspecting them.




Importance of Changing Jigsaw Blades

Changing jigsaw blades is essential for maintaining the tool’s efficiency, ensuring clean and accurate cuts, and preventing damage to the material being cut.

Signs That It’s Time to Replace a Jigsaw Blade

Dull or damaged teeth, difficulty cutting through materials, excessive chattering or vibration, and uneven or splintered cuts are all signs that it’s time to replace your jigsaw blade.

Overview of the Blog Post

This blog post will provide a step-by-step guide on how to change a jigsaw blade, discuss the different types of jigsaw blades, and offer tips for choosing the right blade for your project and maintaining your blades.


jigsaw blade


Types of Jigsaw Blades

T-Shank Blades

T-shank blades are the most common type of jigsaw blades, featuring a T-shaped end that fits into the blade holder. They offer quick and easy blade changes and are compatible with most modern jigsaws.

U-Shank Blades

U-shank blades, also known as universal shank blades, have a U-shaped end and are typically used with older jigsaws. They require a screw or clamp to secure the blade in place and may be more difficult to change than T-shank blades.

Blade Materials and Applications

Jigsaw blades come in various materials, such as high-carbon steel (HCS), high-speed steel (HSS), bi-metal, and tungsten carbide. Each material is designed for specific cutting applications:

  • HCS blades are best for cutting softwood and other soft materials.
  • HSS blades are ideal for cutting harder materials like hardwood and metals.
  • Bi-metal blades combine HCS and HSS for increased durability and versatility.
  • Tungsten carbide blades are designed for cutting abrasive materials like ceramic tiles, fiberglass, and cement board.


Preparing to Change the Blade

Ensuring the Jigsaw is Unplugged or Disconnected from the Power Source

Before changing the blade, always unplug the jigsaw or remove the battery if it’s cordless. This safety measure prevents accidental activation of the tool during the blade-changing process.

Allowing the Blade to Cool Down

If the jigsaw has been in use, allow the blade to cool down before attempting to change it. Touching a hot blade can cause burns.

Gathering Necessary Tools

For jigsaws with tool-less blade change systems, no additional tools are required. However, for jigsaws with blade clamp systems, you may need an Allen wrench or screwdriver to loosen the clamp.


Step-by-Step Guide to Changing a Jigsaw Blade

Locate the Blade Release Mechanism

Tool-less Blade Change Systems

Many modern jigsaws feature a tool-less blade change system, which allows for quick and easy blade changes. These systems typically have a lever or button to release the blade.

Blade Clamp Screw Systems

Older jigsaws or models without a tool-less blade change system use a blade clamp screw to secure the blade in place. An Allen wrench or screwdriver is needed to loosen the clamp.


Removing the Old Blade

Tool-less Blade Removal

Press the release lever or button, and the old blade should easily slide out of the blade holder.

Using an Allen Wrench or Screwdriver for Blade Clamp Systems

Loosen the blade clamp screw with the appropriate tool, and then carefully remove the old blade from the holder.

Inserting the New Blade

Align the new blade’s shank with the blade holder, ensuring that the teeth are facing away from the jigsaw. Push the blade into the holder until it clicks into place or secure it using the blade clamp screw.

Verifying the Blade is Properly Installed and Secure

After installing the new blade, give it a gentle tug to ensure it’s securely in place and won’t come loose during operation.


Choosing the Right Blade for Your Project

Material-specific Blades

Select a blade that’s designed for the material you plan to cut. For example, use HCS blades for softwood, HSS blades for hardwood or metal, and tungsten carbide blades for ceramic tiles or cement board.

Blades for Straight Cuts vs. Curved Cuts

Choose a blade with fewer, larger teeth (lower TPI) for faster, straight cuts, and a blade with more, smaller teeth (higher TPI) for slower, smoother, curved cuts.

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Blade

When choosing a blade, consider the material thickness, desired cutting speed, and the intricacy of the design. Thicker materials may require a longer blade, while intricate designs may need a narrower blade for tight curves.


Maintaining Your Jigsaw Blades

Properly Storing Blades When Not in Use

Store your jigsaw blades in a protective case or blade holder to prevent damage to the teeth and reduce the risk of injury when handling them.

Cleaning Blades After Use

Clean your blades after each use to remove debris and prolong their lifespan. Use a brush or cloth to wipe away dust and wood chips, and occasionally apply a blade cleaner or lubricant to remove resin buildup and prevent rust.

Inspecting Blades for Damage or Wear

Regularly inspect your jigsaw blades for signs of damage, such as broken or bent teeth, and wear, like dull or rounded edges. Replace damaged or worn blades to maintain cutting efficiency and prevent material damage.


Material-specific Blades

Material Blade Type Description
Softwood High Carbon Steel (HCS) Flexible, suitable for cutting softer materials.
Hardwood or Metal High-Speed Steel (HSS) Harder and more durable, suitable for cutting harder materials.
Ceramic, Cement Board Tungsten Carbide Extremely hard, suitable for cutting abrasive materials.


Blades for Straight Cuts vs. Curved Cuts

Cut Type Teeth per Inch (TPI) Description
Straight Lower TPI Fewer, larger teeth for faster cutting; suitable for straight cuts.
Curved Higher TPI More, smaller teeth for slower, smoother cutting; suitable for curved cuts.


Factors to Consider When Selecting a Blade

Factor Consideration
Material Thickness Choose a longer blade for thicker materials.
Cutting Speed Lower TPI for faster cutting, higher TPI for slower cutting.
Design Intricacy Select a narrower blade for tight curves or intricate designs.



Changing a jigsaw blade is a simple and necessary process for maintaining your tool and ensuring the best cutting results. By understanding the different blade types, selecting the right blade for your project, and properly maintaining your blades, you’ll be able to tackle a variety of cutting tasks with ease and precision.