How to Fix a Radial Arm Saw That Won’t Start (Stopped Working!)

Why is My Radial Arm Miter Saw Not Starting?

The reason your radial arm saw won’t start and has stopped working is due to a damaged cord or a bad connection. Other reasons your radial arm saw won’t start is due to battery issues, a faulty motor or saw dust influx.


radial arm saw wont start


Damaged Cord

You would find it very difficult to get your radial arm miter saw back on if the cable is broken or got burned while cutting. So check to see whether the cord is broken. Always use a stronger extension cord. This helps it accommodate the higher load on your working site to allow the saw operate properly.


Bad Connection

Your radial arm miter saw might break down and not start again when there is a faulty connection. To get your saw to function again, loosen the case and check for a defect in the connection. Also, ensure that the screws are firmly inserted.  This will retain the parts in their position while you work with it and prevent it from moving out of alignment.


Battery Issues

Another typical issue with most radial arm miter saws is battery failure. In the long term, battery radial arm miter saws are prone to having weak batteries. You can always avoid the shaving to replace a battery. Just make sure you have two batteries and keep one on hand at all times.


Faulty Motor

Motor problems are another reason why a radial arm miter saw won’t start. When there is a problem with the motor, it could force your saw to break down. You can resolve this problem by cleaning the motor gears with lubrication. There could also be some parts that need to be replaced to enable your saw function properly again.


Saw Dust Influx

Another explanation on why your radial arm miter saw won’t start is because saw dust has accumulated in the engine. The motor could get congested with sawdust and dirt. When this happens, it won’t be able to provide sufficient air or conditioning to the motor region. This would make your motor begin to overheat and suddenly cease operations.


How to Fix a Radial Arm Saw That Stopped Working?

To fix a radial arm saw that has stopped working you can replace the blade, tightening the bolts or adding grease to the motor. Other things to fix a radial arm saw that has stopped working include:

  • Replace the motor arbors
  • Replace the rotor
  • Change the cords
  • Replace the carbon brushes
  • Change the oil
  • Avoid overheating
  • Use good electricity source


Replace the Blade

Replace the blade of the radial arm saw with a high-quality blade. Many people use quality blades with edges that are sharp and don’t bother to change their saw blades over the years.


Tighten the Bolts

When the clutch on your blades appears to be loose, adjust it using a blade wrench. The loose blades will be unable to perform their role effectively. This is due to the slack clutch bolts. The blades won’t work properly when the bolts holding them into the saw arbor collapse.


Add Grease to the Motor

Check the lubricant in the motor of your saw if it suddenly stops functioning well. Old grease causes harm to the motor from within. You might need to change the grease.


Replace the Motor Arbors

Check the arbors of the motor if your radial arm saw suddenly stops working. The weakened arbor of the motor doesn’t anchor the blades efficiently, causing it to halt. To avoid this situation, consider replacing the arbors.


Replace the Rotor

When you observe smoke from your saw or perceive a burning odor, this implies that the rotor or stator in the motor are likely destroyed. You should replace it right away because it could be dangerous if you don’t.


Change the Cords

When the cord of the saw is broken, change them rather than repairing them. Replace the equipment with a new cord if it is broken or severely damaged.


Replace the Carbon Brushes

Your saw can stop functioning when the carbon brushes inside the saw motor wear down. The carbon brushes will be unable to transmit torque effectively getting the saw to break down.


Change the Oil

When you hear abrasive noises from your saw while working, ensure to change the engine oil. This reduces friction between the blades.


Avoid Overheating

Once the blades become overheated more frequently, turnoff the saw until the motor cools down. Afterwards, begin to cut slowly at that low temperature.


Use Good Electricity Source

Use a regular voltage from a flexible and dependable electricity supply. When you do this, electric sparks would not break down your equipment.


Why Does My Radial Arm Saw Keep Cutting Out/Turning Off?

The reason your radial arm saw keeps cutting out or turning off is because of a damaged blade, or the power is too low. Insufficient weight for your work load or a weak motor could be other possible reasons your radial arm saw keeps cutting out.

Damaged Blade

A faulty blade is usually why a radial arm saw cuts out. Regularly check to see whether the blade is functioning properly before using it to cut something. Using this approach, the equipment will not be overloaded. The saw will also be able to function properly without being overworked.


Low Power

If the saw you’re using isn’t powerful enough to cut into an object, it won’t work and will keep stalling. Always check that the saw you’re using has sufficient power to cut into the material you’re working with.


Insufficient Weight for Work Load

If the saw isn’t heavy enough, it won’t be able to generate enough force to cut the object. Also, it could cause breakdown. If you need extra weight on the radial arm saw, get a saw with a metal plate. It is usually heavier.


Weak Motor

Another possibility for why a radial arm saw breaks down while in use is that the motor isn’t functioning well. Check to discover how often your radial arm saw stalls when you use it. This will help you discover if it has a motor problem. If it happens to stop frequently, the motor needs to be repaired or replaced.


Why is My Radial Arm Saw Stalling?

Your radial arm saw could be stalling because of excessively high voltage or your workpiece is not supported and causing problems. Slack from your blade, a damaged motor or a faulty arbors are other possible reasons why your radial arm saw is stalling.


Excessively High Voltage

It’s dangerous when the voltage is excessively high for the radial arm saw. It’s most likely that the saw won’t work due to the damage caused by the high voltage. Examine the cable of your saw for any damage caused by high voltage from the outlet.


Issues from the Blade

Ensure that all bolts and the blade clutch that keep the saw blade in place are not slack. When they’re slack, they prevent the motor from functioning properly, eventually causing the saw to break down.


Issues from the Motor

When you saw stops functioning well, it could be due to a damaged motor. The motor might wear out over time or get clogged with dirt. In either case, it’s worth inspecting.


Unsupported Workpiece

This is among the most prevalent causes of while radial arm saws break down. Your saw could suddenly break down when the workpiece you’re working on is unsupported. Always ensure that the workpiece is in support of your radial arm saw.


Problem from the Arbors

Your saw will stop working if the arbor that holds the blade is slack. All you must do is make them tight if they’re slack. If any of these components become damaged, you have to get them replaced to get the saw functioning properly.


Why is My Dewalt Radial Arm Saw Not Turning On?

A faulty power cord and damaged wires might be the reason why your Dewalt radial arm saw isn’t turning on. Other possible reasons include:

  • Battery problems
  • Friction issues
  • Blade problems
  • Old carbon brushes


Faulty Power Cord and Damaged Wires

A faulty power cord in your Dewalt radial arm saw could be the reason why it breaks down. The problem here is usually from the wires. All you must to do here is a careful inspection of everything. Also double-check that the wires are all connected properly. If that isn’t perfect, simply change the power cable entirely.


Battery Problems

Weak batteries could also make your Dewalt radial arm saw break down and not turn on. Examine the battery to see if it still appears to be charged. If it doesn’t, you have to change the batteries before you can start using your saw again.


Friction Issues

Replacing the lubricant and engine oil in your Dewalt radial arm is standard maintenance routine for the equipment. Solidified lubricant usually will create power issues. Absence of oil can also cause excessive friction, making your saw to overheat. Ensure to always change both while servicing your saw.


Blade Problems

The blade could also be the source of the problem. When you observe the clutches and bolts to be loose, ensure to tighten them until they are firm. You must also sharpen and replace the blade when it’s worn out or broken. Always ensure that you’re using the correct blade type for your saw.


Old Carbon Brushes

Your Dewalt radial arm saw can also stop working because its carbon brushes are worn out. They may have become brittle over time as a result of repeated use. Change such carbon brushes, as they may not be effectively rotating the shafts.


Why is My Craftsman Radial Arm Saw Not Turning On?

The reason why your Craftsman radial arm saw is not turning on is due to a bad connection, overheating, working on a wrong type of workpiece, motor issues or a high voltage.

Wrong Connection

Your craftsman radial arm saw may not turn on if its power cord is not well connected. You must confirm that your radial arm miter saw is in a standard connection status. Check if the cables are still connected properly while you work with the saw. Disconnect the radial arm miter saw first. Then adjust the cables to make a good connection whenever you notice any loose cables or connections.



Saw blades that have been overheated will usually stop working. Cutting with serrated blades requires higher pressure, which leads to more friction. Saw blades are overheated as a result of these impacts. So, when you’re cutting with your craftsman radial arm saw, always ensure you’re cutting at a good pace.


Working On the Wrong Workpiece

An unsuitable work piece could cause the craftsman radial arm saw some malfunctioning. You must also inspect it see if it contains any knots. These wood knots may end up causing the blades to malfunction and be choked. You should always double-check that the work piece supports the saw.


Motor Issues

A motor fault is among the prevalent causes of the saw breaking down while in use.  The motor problem could be caused by malfunctioning blades, faulty motor brass and arbor and so on.


High Voltage

The electric source could sometimes send out excessively high voltage, which could be dangerous. High voltage keeps breaking the insulating property of the saw’s power cord, causing the saw to run out of current.